Welcome to our new home!

We fell in love with this place!

As many of you know, we just found an awesome new apartment! It’s in part of an old house in town. We fell in love with it the moment we saw it. This week, we’ll be moving all of our small stuff, then this weekend, we’ll get a U-Haul (yes, I’ve always wanted to U-Haul, look it up if you don’t know the joke) and move all of the large furniture. We plan to be sleeping in our new place on Saturday! We have lots of room for fun, activities, and visiting so we hope all of our friends and family can visit us in our new place! Here’s the tour…

Entry way/half bath/laundry room

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Beautiful kitchen

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Living room/main hallway

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Guest room/office

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Our room

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Sunroom/game room/workout room

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More living room DSC_0633DSC_0635Misc. pictures of us loving it! DSC_0641 DSC_0643 DSC_0648 DSC_0649 DSC_0651 DSC_0652 DSC_0653 DSC_0654 DSC_0656 DSC_0659 DSC_0680 DSC_0683DSC_0685

DSC_0687Thanks for taking the tour!

We hope all of you will have a chance to come see it!

6 thoughts on “Welcome to our new home!

  1. Looks like quite an apartment – WOW. Gorgeous. you’ll have to do another tour when you fill it and are working in that beautiful kitchen !
    Aunt Darlene

  2. love the looks of the place. Is that a trhee car garage i saw and a fireplace in yor room. really hope you both love it for a long time. just make sure you drink lots of water love you both

  3. Wow, that looks too nice. Love the tile floors. The kitchen is beautiful and the fire place, so cool.
    Glad you got a nice place. Just where you want to be! Lots of love to you both-Dad & Pam

  4. Your new apartment looks so nice and the kitchen is modern and quite spacious. All the other rooms are nice also. Like the tile floor and hardwood floors. Wishing you many happy days in your new home, and lots of good cooking and juicing. Lots of Love……. Grams : )

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